RNDr. Alfréd Zimmermann
Managing Director of AXON PRO s.r.o.,
coordinator and main project manager.
Doc. MUDr. Matej Škorvánek, PhD.
Associate Professor at the Department of
Neurology of the Faculty of Medicine of the
University of Applied Sciences and University
Hospital in Košice, scientific guarantor of the
Doc. RNDr. Eugen Ružický, CSc.
Research/Development Officer. Research into the
application of various diagnostic methods for
early detection of neurodegenerative disorders.
Ing. Milan Rusko, PhD.
Supervisor/leader of research/development
activities. Creation of a language model and
translation of speech into text.
Ing. Marián Trnka
Research/Development Officer. Creating a
language model and converting speech to text.
Prof. Ing. Štefan Kozák, PhD.
Návrh a testovanie moderných efektívnych
platforiem - architektúr, metód a algoritmov
založených na metódach UI pre identifikáciu
signifikantných príznakov neurodegeneratívnych
Ing. Richard Malaschitz
Supervisor/leader of research/development
activities. Creation of a language model and
translation of speech into text.
Mgr. Petra Brandoburová, PhD.
Psychologist, responsible for the methodology of
obtaining data from questionnaires, recording
participants. Statistical research over the
Mgr. Róbert Sabo, PhD.
Technical Officer. Creating a language model and
converting speech to text.
Mgr. Miriam Slavkovská, PhD.
Neurological Research Specialist.
MUDr. Kristína Kulcsárová
Neurological Research Specialist.
Mgr. Monika Kucharová
Psychologist, coordinator of recruitment of
participants in the project. First contact with
project participants, recording of participants.
Ing. Zuzana Képešiová, PhD.
Research/Development Officer. Research into the
application of various diagnostic methods for
early detection of neurodegenerative disorders.
Ing. Juraj Štefanovič, PhD.
Literature review (articles), translation
(English proficiency), and algorithm
development/application for data analysis.
Ing. Marián Klačanský
Project Manager for the partner PEVŠ.
Ing. Zuzana Habalová
Director of the partner Centrum memory.
Mgr. Viktória Kevická, PhD.
Speech and language pathologist, language model
design and natural language to text conversion.
Mgr. Kristína Maštalírová
Administrative and organisational officer,
responsible for the preparation of materials for
the managing authority.
Mgr. Katarína Faltinová
Psychologist, recruiting participants for the
project. First contact with people in the
research during data collection, processing of
the collected data.
Ernest Beinrohr
Research/Development Officer. Creating a
language model and converting speech to text.
Mgr. Nataliia Časnochová Zozuk
Research/development officer.
Doc. Mgr. Štefan Beňuš, PhD.
Technical Officer. Semantic analysis of the
obtained text.
RNDr. Ján Lacko, PhD.
Analysis and design of options for extending the
system for detection of neurodegenerative
diseases into the virtual reality domain.
RNDr. Ján Procházka
Project Manager for AXON PRO.
Mgr. Peter Chudý
Supervisor/leader of research/development
activities. Semantic analysis of the obtained
Mgr. Michal Pavlásek
Collaborating on a mobile app and using
artificial intelligence to evaluate results.
Ing. Igor Mäsiar
Research/Development Officer. Creating a
language model and converting speech to text.
Ing. Peter Vnuk
Research/Development Officer. Creating a
language model and converting speech to text.
Sakhia Daarja
Research/Development Officer. Semantic analysis
of the obtained text.
Marek Malaschitz
Technical Officer.
Jaroslav Porubanec
Technical Officer. Creating a language model and
converting speech to text.