Project EWA

Mental health support

  • Reading books

By reading books you can improve vocabulary, calmness and concentration, and also it promotes develpoing better fantasy and imagination.

  • Physical activity

Regular exercise prevents the decline of mental abilities. Activities like walking, running, hiking, swimming, dancing, and skiing all elevate your heart rate and increase blood flow throughout the body, including the brain. This, in turn, has a direct positive impact on mood, sharpens focus, and enhances cognitive function.

  • Diet

Energy and nutrition are needed for all the processes that take place in the human brain. If we want our brain to perform, the diet should be balanced with the right ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and adequate drinking.

You can boost your mental health even in normal daily activities

These are techniques for building and strengthening network connections between neurons in the brain (called hemispheric rewiring) when we perform normal activities with our non-dominant hand. That is, if you are right-handed, use your left hand, and if you are left-handed, use your right hand for the activities listed below:

  • brushing your teeth
  • working with a computer mouse
  • locking the door
  • stirring with a ladle
  • handling the remote control, etc.

By engaging the senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, the development of new neural connections in different areas of the brain is systematically stimulated. Cells become stronger, the production of substances that improve memory is promoted.

  • take a shower with your eyes closed, focusing on the sensation of water on your skin.
  • change your usual morning routine
  • experiment with unfamiliar flavors by trying a new cuisine.
  • treat yourself to a massage or explore different textures during your walk, like smooth stones or soft grass